Autoria de las obras del malogrado autor
infamia de la historia sin esquilas
no exactamente la mejor recomendación
la de una palabra cuyo significado se me escapa
esquivez del momento realmente adverbial
coñac de la mañana los paraísos demasiado reales
endecasilábos del miedo, de los lugares comunes
hasta aquí todo perfecto en el grito del pavo real
Authorship of the words of the ill-fated author
infamy of a history without warning bells
not exactly a glowing recommendation
considering I've forgotten what the word means
the fleetingness of a truly... adverbial moment
morning brandy the all too real paradises
pentameters of fear, of clichés
up to this point everything is perfect in the cry of the peacock
The great thing about self-translation is that you don't have to worry about anyone criticizing the translation. You can improve on the original with impunity. I'd like to translate other authors that way: without fear of error, with as much confidence as I've just translated my own texts into English.
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