24 ago 2011

Mayhew 5.1

A new version has come out today, JonathanMayhew 5.1. I can't say it's any improvement over previous versions. In fact, it has the pretty much the same bugs and features as most of the previous ones.

5 comentarios:

Clarissa dijo...

Happy Birthday!!!


Jonathan dijo...

Thanks! And thanks for that post on your blog.

Spanish prof dijo...

Feliz cumple!

Professor Zero dijo...

You just would be a Virgo, I should have known. The attention to detail is a dead giveaway.

Vance Maverick dijo...

In the software business, we often release versions periodically even when there's no important change or improvement, just to show that bugs are being fixed and the product hasn't been abandoned. Congratulations!