
20 jun 2005

Right below Silliman on my blogroll are a few Iinks I've added lately: Mlinko, Joris, Priego, Bruno, Davis (Ray), etc... Don't ask me to alphabetize them, or explain the order in which they appear. Somehow where I put a link has more to do with intuition than with anything else. You probably wonder whether my spice-rack is alphabetized. The answer is yes, but I am not responble for this. In fact, I frequently get in trouble for sticking the cumin in the p section.

3 comentarios:

  1. ___

    PS: I think I've personally met about 16 people on my blogroll: Jordan Davis, Julia Tsuchiya-Mayhew, Tony Robinson, Kasey Mohammad, Ron Silliman, David Hess, Julie Dill, Stephanie Young, Bill Marsh, Pierre Joris, Steve Tills, Drew Gardner, Katie Degentesh. I'll be meeting Dan Green day after tomorrow.

  2. ___

    And of course, Nick Piombino.

  3. ___

    And Reen Thorson, of course.
