
9 oct 2003

I.22a "Give her but a least excuse to love me!"

I remember when critics used to distinguish between poetry and verse. This would be verse. It's wretchedly tin-eared verse at that. I have no idea who wrote it. D

22b "Come with bows bent and with emptying of quivers"

I'm guessing Swinburne: "Bind on thy sandals, oh thou most fleet / over the splendour and speed of thy feet." It sounds like Kitsch to a contemporary ear. I guess that could be a good thing. B-

22c "Lassie wi' the lint-white locks"

Usually I like the Scottish stuff, but I'm wearying of bonnie lasses and auld lang syne. This one is bad, in any case. I don't have any idea who wrote it. C

22d "Hot sunne, coole fire, tempered with sweet aire"

I feel I ought to know who this is by; it is a familiar text. Thomas Campion? Gotta love those vowel sounds. It's got that Campion sound, even if it isn't him. We're supposed to be in the Victorian section. A

22e "You'll love me yet! -- and I can tarry"

"June reared that bunch of flowers you carry / From seeds of April's sowing." Trite and not at all impressive in any way. C-

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