
9 oct 2003

I.23a "Hedge-crickets sing"

That's it. That's the entire exhibit: two or three words from Keats' "To Autumn." A+ for the entire poem. I don't know what the point is of not quoting a whole stanza.

23b "Love, of this clearest, frailest glass"

"Love, of this clearest, frailest glass
Divide the properties, so as
In the division may appear
Clearness for me, frailty for her."

Not a nice sentiment, although nicely said. I'm not sure if this a whole poem. I don't have a good guess as to who wrote it; it doesn't seem Victorian. A

23c "Fair glass of light, I love you, and could still"

The metaphor seems too labored: "You are a fair viol and your sense the strings, / Who, fingered to make man his lawful music..." Competent verse but somewhat clunky overall. I'm thinking this is a Victorian poet named Morris? B-

23d "There's a better shine"

"There's a better shine
on the pendulum
than is on my hair
and many times

** **
I've seen it there.

This one is in fact Niedecker. The other one I thought was Niedecker before is Zukofsky himself, as has been pointed out to me by Mark DuCharme. A+

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