
10 sept 2003

How to pronounce my name:

In Michigan, where I lived as a child, it was JA-nathan, but I prefer the short "o" sound, as in the word "mock." The British pronounciation JOE-nathan is also objectionable to me, unless you happen to be British. The other two a's in my first name are shwas. The "th" is UNVOICED, dammit (unless you are speaking very rapidly in which case nobody will notice.

"May" as in the month of May. "hew" like chopping down a tree. "MAY-you" is acceptable if you've known me a long time. Remember: Dactyl + trochee, although I don't care if you pronounce MAY-HEW as a spondee.

Thanks, I'm glad I got THAT off my chest.

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