
15 mar 2003

These are poems my daughter wrote last night. She wanted to know what I was going to do next week in her class and she started writing poems, kept at it all evening. A "lie" poem:

I Am Always Exploring

I went to France when I was three
I explored a forest in Costa Rica
I drived a race car in Canada
I went to Mexico and found a statue's head on the dirt
I went to North Dakota and saw a polar bear on the sidewalk.
I went to Kansas and saw a Panda sleeping right next to the apartment
The last thing I did was just stay home

This is a "I seem to be / but I am really poem":

I seem to be living in the jungle but I only live in a farm.
I seem to be a race car going really fast but I am only a horse with a person on me.
I seem to be a dancer but I am only a seagull flying in the air.
I seem to be a drummer but I am only a lady bug running on leaves
I am still scared that I will fall

--Julia Tsuchiya-Mayhew, aged 7 1/2.

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