
10 dic 2002

H. Yepez, in "A Modest Proposal to Abolish Translation" (Tijuana bible of poetics!), cites my translations into Spanish, suggesting it is more desirable to translate away from one's native language than into it. I have always been uneasy about translation, have resisted and despised it, whether secretly or openly. To domesticate the foreign product has always seen obscene to me. This is not to say I haven't translated from Spanish into English also. I think I am, in fact, one of the best translators out there! (In all modesty). The problem with translating into Spanish, of course, is that it requires a greater command of the language than I, in fact, possess. By this I don't mean to criticize my own level of Spanish proficiency. I think someone like Robert Bly doesn't know English well enough to translate into English: I'm talking about a degree of stylistic sensitivity that few people have even in their native language. This is what makes it fascinating and challenging, though. I need to have a colloborator! Now that Heriberto has an English-language blog, I need one in Spanish. But no, I prefer mine to remain macaronic.

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