
21 jun 2012

The Nation

One of my translations of Andrés Sánchez Robayna has been accepted by The Nation. I have sent others to three other journals. If you have a journal and want to publish some of these fantastically great poems, let me know.

4 comentarios:

  1. Wow, this is so amazing!!! I can't wait to see your translation at The Nation!

    You rock, Jonathan.

  2. Good to see you blogging again, although I kept wondering what the 15th month was, etc. Perhaps the June 28 reading was impetus to organize your translation thoughts? I'm enjoying these--I'm doing a few renderings of Rene Char, and yes, I want them to be my own voice as well as his, as I am in the 21st century and speaking Midlands American dialect of English. Your comments are helpful. Gracias.

  3. A good friend in Spain is a main translator of Char into Spanish.
