
30 nov 2011

Morton Feldman

Here is the second poem I have written this morning. This too, is unlike anything I have ever written, though it bears some relation to "Page of Prose" and "The Complete Sentence Game."

This is a poem called "Morton Feldman." I hope you like it. My original plan was to write a series of poems using titles from Feldman's music, like "Rothko Chapel," "For Frank O'Hara," "The Viola in My Life," or "Crippled Symmetries." I would use these titles and write to his music. But how could I write to his music? Dancing to music I understand, although I do not do it well. There is a relation between the musical pulse and the movement of feet and body. Most people understand this relationship. Writing to music is something different from that. I could write about the music, I suppose, but what would be the point of that? Assuming I have something to say about this music, I would probably not use a poem to say it. This poem least of all. So in place of the series of poems written to titles of Feldman's music, I have written this explanation of how I could not write these poems.

I hope you have enjoyed my poem "Morton Feldman."

3 comentarios:

  1. I suspect the unacknowledged influence lurking behind this text is Cage. Of course I see him everywhere, but the cyclic self-referentiality and understated tone really do remind me of him specifically -- take the Lectures on Something and on Nothing.

    For what it's worth, though, I did enjoy it....

  2. Nice poems -- both of them.

    They're both about love.

    Thanks for posting.

  3. Cage was a friend of Feldman and is present in his writings, so I'm sure I was subconsciously using that tone from Cage, though it didn't occur to me until you pointed it out. Needless to say, I have read a lot of Cage's prose in my day too, though I am more influenced by Feldman's ideas than Cage's.
