
18 abr 2011

A Quiz

What do César Vallejo, Leopoldo María Panero, Luis de Góngora, Miguel Hernandez, Fray Luis de León, José Hierro, and San Juan de la Cruz have in common? (Aside from being male poets writing in Spanish.)

Hint: Ben Jonson also shares this trait.

5 comentarios:

  1. I hope you will provide an answer because I, for one, have no idea.

  2. All had a certain biographical circumstance occur to them. I want to see if anyone can guess before I provide the answer.

  3. Looks like they were all locked up for one reason or another, mostly politics but in one case (according to Wikipedia) mental health. Jonson was in once for his writing and once for killing a man.

  4. Yes, imprisonment is the answer.

  5. I only knew this about Fray Luis de León and San Juan de la Cruz.
