29 abr 2011

A little quiz

Here is a little quiz. I first gave it in 2006, and am changing a few things. Match up the poet with his or her work. Obviously some of these are very hard and others very difficult, and still others easy.

Pablo Neruda
Pierre Reverdy
Arthur Rimbaud
Claudio Rodríguez
Ranier Maria Rilke
César Vallejo
José Lezama Lima
Barbara Guest
St. John-Perse
Pere Gimferrer
André Breton
Roberto Juarroz
David Jones
Antonio Machado
Frank O'Hara
René Char
Victor Hugo
Nicanor Parra
Antonio Gamoneda
María Victoria Atencia
Paul Celan

Poems and Antipoems
The Leaves of Hypnos
Gift of Drunkenness
The Book of Poisons
Waiting for the Barbarians
The Art of Being a Grandfather
Vertical Poetry
One Hundred Sonnets of Love
Most of the Time
Fields of Castile
Sonnets to Orpheus
Marta & María
The Drunken Boat
"A woman asks me..."
Death in Beverly Hills
Death of Narcissus
Lunch Poems

4 comentarios:

Zed dijo...

"Rainer Rilke" is a little like "William Yeats" or "Jorge Borges." I don't know if I've ever seen the name written that way.

Jonathan dijo...

I was getting a little lazy. I've put in his middle name, now: "Ranier Carlos Yeats."

Clarissa dijo...

It would be great if you posted more posts like this one. I'm finding this to be incredibly useful.

Jonathan dijo...

I love silly quizzes like this, so I'd be glad to. I don't know how useful they are but they can be entertaining.