
9 abr 2011


I remember being surprised that my colleagues in Latin American literature felt guilty or conflicted about teaching literature. I have never, ever felt guilt about teaching literature.

5 comentarios:

  1. Why would people feel guilty about it??

  2. Politics. People are suffering, so devoting energy to literature seems less urgent. (i guess.) Or: literature is elitist.

  3. Do people in the natural sciences ever feel guilty about teaching their subjects while people are suffering?

  4. Another difference between the "two cultures." :-)

  5. It's the John Beverley tradition. I have the opposite problem: I teach a lot of what would be considered "popular culture" (from soap operas to movies to detective fiction), so I get attacked by some people for "demeaning" the status of literature. On the other side, others say that what I teach has too much "Anglo" influence, so I don't respect the "real" Latin American identity (whatever that means).
