
1 mar 2011

What I Am Reading Now

I am reading the work of María Zambrano quite intensely, since she is the Spanish thinker most closely linkable to my scholarly agenda of explaining late modernism in Spanish poetry. Her work also brings up significant issues of the possibilities of resistant reading, in other words, the deep appreciation for perspectives that are attractive to me on some level but very repellent on others.

I am also reading Vicente Núñez's aphorisms. I am very interested in the aphorism as a literary genre and want to dedicate some thought to the relation between proverbs and idiomatic expressions for a course I want to teach in the fall. I'd like to investigate the idea of "wisdom literature" from a perspective different from that of Harold Bloom, who just sits back and admires its wisdom. If a really brilliant person studied this (like a younger Bloom maybe) it could be a real field instead of a marginal genre. I'm also reading Francisco Brines and Jaime Gil de Biedma for my Graduate Course.

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