
15 feb 2011

Annual Review

Even though I'm a full professor and there are no raises in my university this year anyway, I still stress out over the annual review. Having to figure out how many exes I whyed or how many zeds I doubleyoued is just not that easy for me. Nothing is at stake in the evaluation, and i did very well in some categories by any objective measure, but I still don't like to be scrutinized.

5 comentarios:

  1. Good luck with the merit review!

    We didn't have raises last year (my first year on the TT) because of budget cuts but this year we will. This will be the first time for me that I will go through this process in this format where monetary compensation depends on it.

    Making up the folder was hard work and I was also stressed out. But it was also kind of nice to see how much I've done. I sometimes get to forget many of my achievements and concentrate on what hasn't been done. So it was good to list all of the accomplishments and think, "Huh, I've done well here."

    I also eagerly await the advice I will get on my annual review. As a beginning academic, I feel in dire need of mentoring and useful advice. But I feel inhibited when I think of asking senior colleagues for mentoring because they must have a lot on their plate as it is.

    Do you also have to predict what percentage of your time will go to teaching, research and service, like we do?

  2. Everyone in my department is theoretically doing 40% teaching, 40% research, and 20% service--except when someone has a course reduction. I say theoretically, because nobody really knows how much time we spend on any given activity. Even when we get raises, they are so small that the difference between publishing a book and nothing might be a few hundred bucks.

  3. Interesting. We are expected to do 50% of teaching and then subdivide the remaining 50% between research and service any way we prefer. Sadly, it can't be 50% research and 0% service. :-)

  4. To Clarissa, a practical advice. In my university, service counts a lot. But every little thing adds up. So keep you daily planner (or somehow go through your online calendar from the past year), and you will find out a lot of things you did that counts as service that you might have forgotten.

  5. So true. I have to log everything I do in service or I forget about half of it.
