
18 ene 2011


I have a new title for book #5:

What Lorca (K)new: Spanish Poetry and Intellectual History

Quel est votre avis?

7 comentarios:

  1. To be followed up, no doubt, by _What Lorca Gnu: the wilderness in Spanish poetry_?

  2. More seriously, the subtitle sounds broader than what you've talked about. Is the scope really all of Spanish poetry?

  3. I've been trying to find the best solution. Modern Spanish poetry sounds too specific. Twentieth-century limits me, since I am dealing with 21st century materials too. Modern and Contemporary Spanish Poetry is too wordy. If I have Lorca in the title, then the modern/contemporary period is implied and doesn't have to be made explicit in the subtitle. The solution might be "Late Modern Spanish Poetry and Intellectual History."

  4. "The Poet as Intellectual Historian"?

    BTW, if it wasn't clear, Sarang and I were trying to tease you about a typo.

  5. Yes, I finally saw the typo myself after you pointed it out.

    It's not really the poet as intellectual historian, more the intellectual historian having to consider the contributions of poets.

  6. Taking a page from Cynthia Macdonald's (W)holes, are we?
