
6 ago 2009

The winner of the Lorca giveaway is...

Bob Basil


Tom Beckett

I have decided to give away two copies this month. After all, what better to spend my royalty check on than additional copies of the book? Basil is a friend of long standing (early 80s) with a strong web presence (basil.ca) and has already been generously promoting the book. Beckett is an esteemed poetic collaborator (see the poem "Hurricane Season" that the two of us wrote together) and has corrected his Spanish grammar. I couldn't really decide between these two fine individuals, especially since they both expressed interest in the last giveaway in July.

I may do the next giveaway in September, or just wait until October. Stay tuned. Pretty much, if you enter the contest you have a pretty good chance of getting the book.

Winners, please send me a current mailing address.

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