22 jun 2009


I hate people who say surreal
when they mean

We killed dozens of moths in in sticky little traps
in the pantry and on the piano

I hate these people
hate them with a passion

When things mean other things
instead of themselves

the moths, the traps, the piano
there is no room in the pantry for the tomato paste

I hate people who say surreal
when they mean

You want to forget forgettable things,
Don't you?

Those towns you passed through
Los Angeles with its petulant physicality

I hate these people
hate them with a passion

3 comentarios:

Kasey Mohammad dijo...

Moth traps in the panty are so surreal!

Jordan dijo...

If your panties are trapping moths you may want to look into that.

I like Los Angeles! Or, I've never lived there.

Kasey Mohammad dijo...

My comment makes no sense now that the typo has been corrected. I would delete it, but Jordan's would still be there, so, in order to clue readers in....

Jonathan said "panty"! Heh heh heh!