Email me at jmayhew at ku dot edu
"The very existence of poetry should make us laugh. What is it all about? What is it for?"
--Kenneth Koch
“El subtítulo ‘Modelo para armar’ podría llevar a creer que las
diferentes partes del relato, separadas por blancos, se proponen como piezas permutables.”
22 abr 2009
Book signing went well. All the copies of my book in the store sold, mostly to some colleagues and grad students in my own dept. Ken Irby bought one. My colleague from the dept. of dance Michelle Hayes signed her book at the same time. Later, over dinner with Michelle, her boyfriend, and some of their friends, I discovered she is also a jazz person and had produced some Roy Haynes events. How cool is that? Roy is the greatest living jazz drummer.
Glad to hear it, sorry I wasn't able to come.