
16 ene 2009

I'd forgotten about my poetry in Spanish. The last two fragments were these:

Un Soixante-Huitard me vende resonancias

En lo macarónico, en el pastiche, en todo lo que queda de nosotros


Te vulnero en sueños, gato equivocado de lugar

Para contar mis desdichas bastan unas ínfulas insulsas, insulares

Me afeito con espuma del mar, desde un interior insondable, selvático

[A Soixante-Huitard sell me resonances / In the macaronic, in pastiche, in everything of us that's left // I wound you in dreams, cat in the wrong place / To narrate my misfortunes a few insipid, insular pretension are enough / I shave with foam from the sea, from an unsoundable, wilderness interior]

I'll have to work on the translations a bit.

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