
20 nov 2008

Today starts a new feature, 300 jazz albums. These will be a selection of my favorites with no pretentions to be the 300 greatest of all time. The order will be random.

(1) Gary Burton, Chick Corea, Pat Metheny, Roy Haynes, Dave Holland, Like Minds (1998)

An album of Corea and Metheny tunes, with one by Burton and one by Gerswhin ("Soon."). I like it because of the absolute equality among the five players. You could listen to it five times and just focus on a particular player each time. (I can't get enough of Roy Haynes's drumming but on some albums where he is the leader the other players are not wholly convincing.) Also, there are no weak tracks on this one.

6 comentarios:

  1. It'd be nifty if you gave the year too.

  2. It'd be good if you gave the date, too.

  3. It would be swell and dandy. Often I don't have the dates on hand, or there are different dates (recording, original album, release on cd). I'll put supply dates in the cases I know them.

  4. Wait, whoa, what happened to the book list?

  5. It's still ongoing, never fear. I have to listen to something while I read 9000 books, don't I?
