
7 jun 2008


*Silliman. Demo to Ink. 1992. 125 pp.

Here's some vintage Silliman, a big middle chunk of the Alphabet. I was struck on rereading this how much attuned he was to the aesthetics of everyday life. The "E" section is a collaboration with Armantrout.

3 comentarios:

  1. "Aesthetics of everyday life."

    Went to a reading in Philadelphia last night. That would describe it. Add: (modulated) stream of consciousness.

    Some of it gave me pleasure (humor can overcome great faults).

    But not what I want. To do. Or to read.

  2. Is humor a form of irony?

    ... both work contra sentimentality

  3. ... or is it the other way around?

    Irony is a form of humor...
