
10 ago 2007

Silliman is under the mistaken impression that the New York School of poetry does not RULE THE UNIVERSE. It's the West Coast bias again.

6 comentarios:

  1. i'm enjoying all his post on ashbery tho.

  2. Yes. I'm enjoying them too. I just find odd the insistence on treating Ashbery not as central figure, but as sort of odd man out. You don't worry about whether Ginsberg or Creeley really belong in the New American Poetry. Why Ashbery?

  3. Well, I don't worry either. Ron is Ron is Ron.

  4. I love how your blog has become a catalog of annoyances. I'm not being ironic -- really. I think that's a very nice model for a blog!

  5. Yes, I think I started it with that "things that make me cringe" tag. There's just so much material for that!
