
12 ene 2007

How much image-repetoire is shared between Lorca and Gamoneda? There is a key area of difference, in that Lorca is completely Southern, Andalusian, and Gamoneda Northern. Hot and cold (Gamoneda's Libro del frío). Yet no other Spanish poet of recent memory has that Lorquian power:

Sábana negra en la misericordia;
tu lengua en un idioma ensangrentado.

Sábana aún en la sustancia enferma,
la que llora en tu boca y en la mía
y, atravesando dulcemente llagas,
ata mis huesos a tus huesos humanos.

No mueras más en mí, sal de mi lengua.
Dame la mano para entrar en la nieve.

The poets share a sense of the body itself: the body as it suffers. Lorca was dead before the age of 40, Gamoneda has done his best work after the age of 45. Only a poet antithetical to Lorca in many respects could be truly Lorquian, and not just a pastiche of Lorca. It's as though Gamoneda were the logical continuation of Lorca, filtered through modern French poetry and returning to a Spanish terrain devoid of Andalusianism. Even with the stress on aging in Gamoneda vs. the violent, dramatic deaths in Lorca, I feel there is a kinship.


Stuck in Kansas by ice-storm for the second time in as many months.

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