Ron tagged me for the 5 things you don't know about me meme.
1) If you don't know something about me it's probably because I don't want you to know. I am intensely private.
2) And painfully shy, up through graduate school.
3) I was raised as a Mormon; I am still scarred from this.
4) See number 1.
5) See number 2. I could tell you all sorts of banal details about my life, but autobiography in my case would be a list of things read. I feel somewhat alien from the category of "personal experience" per se. I don't have a lot of stories to tell.
Mayhew, you're cheating!
ResponderEliminarActually I think I knew a couple of those!
ResponderEliminarHere, though, is something I don't know about you:
1. How much you do or don't enjoy teaching.
Inquiring mind!
Teaching is a little painful for me, when it isn't going well, or as well as I think it should.