
8 oct 2006

I was tagged by Kasey for that "what have your learned from feminism" meme that's circulating. However, one thing I have learned from feminism is that nobody really wants to hear a man congratulate himself about how feminist he is. So the other four things I've learned from feminism will have to remain between feminism and me.

6 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo6:07 a. m.

    That's not true.

    I think I'm rather like a lot of women in that my hopes for feminism are not that women feel more "empowered" or whatever, but that men themselves learn & change. The last thing I want is for men to consider misogyny & its consquences a "woman's problem" and to believe they shouldn't ever speak of it, etc.


  2. did it teach you how to be funny? because this made me laugh.

    rachel blau duplessis says somewhere in blue studios (don't have it to hand) that there are many kinds of feminism (and i agree with that) and that one of the kinds is "gender justice in pursuit of social justice." meaning, i guess, that feminism is an important part of a larger set of values and the way those values are enacted. i like that too. so i found the meme interesting because everybody's responses have been so different.

    in fact, my own response was a little *too* interesting so i took it down!

  3. I didn't say that men shouldn't support feminism or oppose misogyny, but that I dislliked the genre of men congratulating themselves on their feminist attitudes. The meme seems to invite that response in the way it was phrased--at least when the respondent is male.

  4. I agree with Jonathan. Kasey's grandstanding on his blog is another low point...


  5. I didn't mean that as a criticism of Kasey.

  6. Whoa. Go somewhere else with these squabbles please.
