
25 sept 2006

Did anyone notice that the "five star" review of a particular book on Amazon is totally sarcastic? It is signed "Poetry Hater":

You should read this book! Right in the introduction Billy Collins explains that most poetry is terrible (83%!). He explains that he likes poems that are easy to understand. I know . . . I know . . . is there really such a thing as a poem that's easy to understand?! I remember discussing poems in English class and it was like a whole bunch of confusing symbolic metaphors and similes and I was all like "this stuff SUCKS"! But this book has poems that are the best and easy to understand. They're mostly like little stories with short lines. My favorite one is a story about an old dog who finds a shoe out in the woods . . . pretty easy, right? It's called RELIGION which I don't really get (maybe that's what makes it a poem ;)) but it is a nice little story that makes you go hmmm? I haven't read any poetry in a long time because I didn't think there were easy poems like this out there but now maybe I'll try again thanks to Billy Collins. Thank you Mr. Collins! Maybe I'll become a POETRY LOVER and one day even write my own poems!

Hilarious! Without this review the book would average one star, but this brings it up to a "two-star average."

5 comentarios:

  1. Ok. I deleted the line about probably having been written by Jim.

  2. Ah, Billy Collins! What an easy target! Certainly not a good poet or editor, but---given even a moderately long historical view---pretty harmless. How many BAPs from any editor are really worth the paper they've soiled, after all? On the other hand, where would Avant Po-ets be without easy targets and the opportunity to preen themselves on their own superiority (often imaginary but always hallelujah from the choir-loft).

  3. This preening and superiority, James Owens, you don't feel the slightest twinge of... I don't know... recognition?

  4. Any feeling of superiority I might feel fades immediately when I think of any truly accomplished poet. I don't really care how good a poet Collins is, but he is a malignant growth as editor and promoter of poetic banality.
