
21 jul 2006

Add to that a re-occurence of my asthma. For whatever reason, I cannot seem to get enough to eat, either, no matter how much I actually eat. My stress levels are through the roof. I feel I am virtually always on the verge of breaking out in tears, yet somehow it's just that thought, and then nothing comes out.

3 comentarios:

  1. Are you taking corticosteroids for your asthma. Sometimes they can cause increased anxiety, insomnia, and increase in appetite. If you have an inhaler, it might have steroids in it.

  2. Indeed. I'm sure my advair and albuteral are to blame, as well as the normal stress of moving.

  3. I occasionally use albuteral as well. What's odd is that it does not always have the effect of making me super-speedy/anxious. It's only sometimes, and I haven't figured out what the other factors might be yet.
