
8 feb 2006

I am reading a book in my field from reputable University Press that I find flojísimo. Limited cultural contextualization, (on a topic that is inherently "cultural" rather than primarily literary.) A failure to mention some very key texts, because literature (for this particular critic) means only the novel. A "writer" means only a writer of prose fiction. A kind of mechanical dissertation-like feel of going through the motions. Writing not very good. A rather facile treatment of the topic.

Yet the topic is, literally and figuratively, a "sexy" one, and so the book was published. It is a symptom of the very phenomenon it claims to analyze: the sexualization of literature.

3 comentarios:

  1. I have many friends in common with the author of this book, and the name wouldn't mean anything to most readers of the blog anyway.

  2. You have friends in common with Harold Bloom?
