
4 ene 2006

What are your favorite poetic collaborations? How many significant works have been produced this way? I like the recent Tieger/Mynes book. I know Silliman wrote one section of The Alphabet with Rae Armantrout. Frank O'Hara and Bill Berkson...

Where are the great poems written by W.C. Williams and Wallace Stevens together on a rainy afternooon?

7 comentarios:

  1. Anónimo9:55 a. m.

    Thanks for the mention! I suggest Wine Tales by Richard Caddel and Lee Harwood.

  2. I don't know about writing the same poem together, but Dave Lee and William Kloefkorn wrote a book together: Covenants. Are you familiar with either one of them?

  3. I know they were friends, but I don't think it was in either's personality to collaborate. I do remember reading (in Stevens' letters?) how toward sthe beginning of Stevens' career, he showed WCW the poem "The Worms at the Gate of Heaven" and Williams loved it, told Stevens to make it less wierdly phrased and more apprehensible, and he'd get it published (presumably via Pound?). Stevens, of course, did nothing like that.

  4. Lyn Hejinian and Jack Collom's Sunflower.

  5. My favorite collaboration is Berrigan, Padgett, and Brainard's Bean Spasms. It was the first poetry book that mattered to me.

  6. That's a good one! (Bean Spasms)

    My question about WCW and WS was purely rhetorical.

    I do know who W. Kloefkorn is. Someone wanted me to invite him to the University once, but nothing ever came of it.

  7. ...also Wicker, Hejinian and Collom.
