
5 sept 2005

Today is the third anniversary of this blog, founded on Sept. 5, 2002. Around the same time Jordan Davis, Gary Sullivan, and Henry Gould started theirs, shortly after Silliman. This was the real beginning of the blog phenomenon in poetry land, although Duemer had his for a year or so before.

5 comentarios:

  1. What do Ron Silliman, Jordan Davis, Gary Sullivan, Henry Gould, and Jonathan Mayhew have in common?

    James Schuyler.

  2. For all I know Duemer is a big Schuyler fan as well. And Mynes, needless to say.

  3. Happy Anniversary. It must seem to you like there are fifty million blogs now compared to when you started.

  4. I think there are about 500 mill. fortunately only about 1000 are devoted to poetry.

  5. Anónimo9:59 p. m.

    Happy B'day (of sorts) Jonathan,

