
10 ago 2005

Could we maybe just end the latest Behrle/Johnson battle right now? I'm a little weary of it. I'm sure there are quicker ways to Anne Boyer's heart. In fact, the quickest way to her heart might be to simply end it here. Yes, Kent Johnson is a highly annoying person. I try to get along with him as best I can, but he usually annoys the bejeezus out of me, and I almost always disagree with him and almost instinctively want to take the other side. Other than that I like him fine! Maybe ignoring him is the best way to stop the annoyance. And ignoring Jim Behrle is also the best way of getting him to stop, since any further response is just more grist for his mill. Maybe my peace-making impulse is misplaced. Maybe Kent enjoys his succès de scandale as much as Jimmy enjoys feeding the flames. I certainly don't want to spoil anybody's fun!

5 comentarios:

  1. Thank God no one senses me and Kent are in cahoots--the next poem will make that clearer. Like the war-war, the blog-war slogs on. You don't have to watch the continuous coverage: if you do, that's on you.

    My crush on Anne Boyer is officially over--my heart belongs to another.


    PS: The best way to get me to stop, for future reference, is getting me LAID.

  2. I believe you are in cahoots, at some level. That doesn't make it pretty to watch.

  3. Prettiness is overrated!

    Take a couple weeks off my blog! Or never return!

    We do the dumb things we gotta do!

    No one is driving the car!


  4. Nah. I gotta keep reading the blog. "People who read The Hat and Jonathan Mayhew."

  5. Let us never forget the connections between Oil Production and the Poetry Blogs! I can't remember what the exact line is, my diet dr Pepper is on top of my issue...

