21 jun 2005

When I write in the voice of the "New Sincerity" I don't really mean it. In other words, my "sincere" voice is not me, it is the voice of an artificial "sincere guy" in my head. The real me is "ironic guy."

3 comentarios:

Anthony Robinson dijo...

You, Jonathan, are not sanctioned by the sanctioning body of the New Sincerity to write in the voice of the New Sincerity. Therefore, this post is immediately irrelevant. Unless it's really sincere. In that case, I'd advise you to ramp up the ironic guy stance for the amusement of all.


Jonathan dijo...

Since I'm an insincere new sincerist, I sincerely believe you have no jurisdiction here.

Nick Piombino dijo...

You can't mean this!