
10 jun 2005

I'll tell you how the middlebrow can help their cause. They can stop writing poems about hitting birds with their cars and comparing it to the Iraq war. Or, they can stop giving prizes to such poets. I swear to God, this poem left my jaw hanging. I could write poems like this in my sleep. I should, I'd get the National Book Award, the Pulitzer Prize, and I'd teach at Princeton If anyone can offer a defense of this poem, I'm eager to hear it.

3 comentarios:

  1. GOD, it's SO hard to find good help these days! These cheesy middlebrows - soon I'll have to go back to cleaning my own stanzas again!

  2. The terms "middlebrow, highbrow" : journalistic shorthand for a pecking order, an intellectual caste system (based not on merit but on snobbery). Delusional thinking.
