
13 jun 2005

I picked up this WCW issue of "Intrepid" at a library book sale for twenty-five cents. It is called "Bill Williams & Flossie's Special" and was edited in 1980 by Allen DeLoach. It has contributions by Levertov, Corman, Creeley, McClure, Ginsberg, Economou, Rakosi, Whalen, and a few others. Also an interview of Flossie by Ignatow and quite a few black-and-white pictures. It's in beautiful shape except for the black BOOK SALE stamp. I don't know about the monetary value of such an item, but it's got to be more than two bits, and the sentimantal value to me of such ephemera is inestimable to me. The Whalen texts are wonderful because they are drawn/written in his own hand.

1 comentario:

  1. I believe that response is in the new Collected Poems (vol. 1), back in the notes. I don't have it here with me now.
