
9 may 2005

Perhaps the best sestina ever written. I'll forgive KSM this *slight* exaggeration, given the generous sentiment behind this compliment. There are a few other sestinas that might be considered among the *best*. You know, by Arnaut Daniel, Dante, Petrarch, Auden, Ashbery, Carlos Germán Belli, Jaime Gil de Biedma, Elizabeth Bishop--just to name a few.

2 comentarios:

  1. Y'know, I read that back in February and thought the same thing (as KSM) myself. What great end-word choices. If ya gotta have deer, might as well have vile and colossal. She should send it to McSweeneys!

  2. ___

    Are you listening, Daniel Nester? She's already published one there.
