
8 may 2005

From the back cover of Sorrentino's The Perfect Fiction (Norton 1968)

"Other Books of Poetry

All / the collected short poems 1923-1958 / Louis Zukofsky
All / the collected short poems 1956-1964 / L.Z
The Music / Helen Wolfert
Love Makes the Air Light / Raymond Roseliep
Plain Song / Jim Harrison
Nosequences / Christopher Middleton
A Beginning / William Burford
Virgil's Machines / Joel Sloman
The Dumbfounding / Margaret Avison
Necessities of Life / Adrienne Rich
Snapshots of a Daughter-in-Law / A. R.
The Book of the Green Man / Ronald Johnson"

Information on Wolfert, Roselipe, Burford, Sloman, Avison?

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