
1 feb 2005

Perloff: "... paradoxically, the poems of Bruce Andrews or Harryette Mullen are at one level more accessible to students than are those of W.B Yeats or Ezra Pound. For however scrambled an "experimental" poem may be--however non-syntactic nonlinear, or linguistically complex--it is, after all, written in the language of the present, which is to say the language of the students who are reading it."

She goes on to say "... the idea of teaching 'beyond the familiar canon' that I have been asked to discuss here is something of a mystery to me, because there is no longer a canon beyond which to go! At Stanford University ... we have English PhD candidates who have never read Keats' 'Ode on a Grecian Urn,' much less Milton's 'Lycidas.'"

"Teaching the New Poetries: The Case of Rae Armantrout."

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