
23 ago 2004

Lehman's intro is of astonishing platitudinousness: "A poem must capture the reader before it can do anything else, and to do that it must give pleasure." What if it captures the reader by giving displeasure? That is doing something to the reader too.

Analysis of the contents:

Original generation New York School Poets:

Ashbery, Koch, Guest, Mathews

Other New York School Poets (more or less):

Berrigan, Shapiro, Elmsie, Notley, Greenwald,Koethe, Lauterbach, Myles, Collom?

Language poets, more or less:

Bernstein, Silliman, Davidson, Robinson, Armantrout, Andrews, Howe (Fanny), Harryman, DuPlessis, Perelman, Day, Mackey, McCaffery

Mediocrities of the moment:

Pinsky, Collins, Dove, Stern, Wagoner, Wright


Mohammad, edwards, Stefans

St. Louis poets:

Bangs, Phillips, Seidel

Kansas poets:


Other eminent presences:

Rakosi, Hollander

... which leaves others I haven't heard of or am too lazy to make a category for.

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