
20 ago 2004

I forgot to mention La voz a ti debida (Salinas). I memorized the whole book a few years back, but it only stuck in short term memory.

I memorized a poem from Guest's new book (as yet unpuiblished) off the jacket site. I don't know where the line breaks go, since I haven't seen the poem in print. This is my best approximation:


"Do not forget the sky has other

Let it rest on the embankment
Close the eyes
Lay it in the little bed
Maid of maplewood ["made" would make more sense, but I hear her saying "maid"]
Wash its sleeve with sky drops

Let there be no formal potions
a subject and a predicate
made of glass

You have entered the narrow zone
your portrait etched in glass
becoming less and less until the future
faces you

Like the magpie you hid
exchanging feathers for other feathers

In the tower you flew without wings
speaking in other tongues
to the imagined room"

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