
28 may 2004

This is post #1500 to Bemsha Swing (TBFKAJMB).


How well assimilated are the Celan stylistic memes in As In Every Deafness? (Graham Foust)

"Find the un-
inevitable remainder

as the city's sleepers clamor for
a bird's worth of air."


"in manikin skin
after contrary Autumn."

The style is applied to a different "subject matter." Often it is the title that gives the referent, the key to understanding the poem. For example, "Blackout Drinking" or "Kurt Cobain." I like the book quite a bit, despite my open question about the fairly obvious stylistic debt to the German-language poet.

But I've noticed I see stylistic derivativeness where others don't see it. Maybe I'm wrong in this case too.

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