
8 abr 2004

Paradise by Ron Silliman. 1985.

I love this book. Palatino is one of my favorite fonts, and the book is beautifully printed. I don't know why the copyright page gives his birth as 1935, when it should be 1946. It is a perfect book to read in one sitting; while seemingly disjointed, it does provide a unified reading experience.

Lateness by David Shapiro. 1977. 1980.

I gasped audibly when I found this book in a bookstore here in Lawrence for $7. Luckily no one heard me. It is a hard book to find. Even though this was the paperback reprinting and not the first edition I felt very fortunate. The emotion of finding it carried through into the reading. "Devil Trill Sonata" is truly a great poem. I read the whole book through in one long sitting, even though i had read the Silliman in the afternoon. I also read two other shorter books of Spanish poetry and Raymond Roussel's La Source yesterday.

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