
23 abr 2004

The Harbor Master of Hong Kong, Shroud of the Gnome, Sun, The Little Door Slides Back, Teoría del miedo, Theoretical Objects, Toujours l'amour, Some Other Kind of Mission, Ridge to Ridge, Transmigration Solo, The World Doesn't End, Some Words, Variaciones en blanco, Syntax, La lentitud de los bueyes, Quill Solitary Apparition, Dreaming as One, SPACE, A Boy's Will, Blizzard of One, Gone to Earth, Nadie, A Certain Slant of Sunlight, what is means to be avant-garde, In Memory of My Theories, Sentences, Arboles que ya florecerán, h.j.r., The Fatalist, Shadow Train, Oracle Night

Moly, North of Boston, Response, Own Face, Gone, Freely Espousing, Straits, Noon, Our Selves, Moscow Mansions, Life & Death, The Year of the Olive Oil, Album de vers antiques, the torches, Aleatory Allegories, How to Get Started, How to Keep Going, How to Stop, Noche abierta, The Captain Lands in Paradise, Paradise, Lateness, Lo de ella, La mano muerta cuenta el dinero de la vida, La Source, The Daily Round, Information From the Surface of Venus, My Book, On My Way, Up To Speed, Customs, The Bounty, Breath's Burial, Deer Head Nation

Shall We Gather at the River, A Few Days, Arden las pérdidas, Hybrids of Plants and of Ghosts, The Crystal Text, Serenade, Planetary Gear, After Lorca, A Burning Interior, The Immoral Proposition, Precedence, Musicality, The Constructor, The Vermont Notebook, The Art of Love, The Midnight, Clamor, Autobiography, Minor Poets of the New York School

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