
14 ene 2004

I saw the typo in last post "justificably" and decided to let it stand. I found it case of "justificable" error.

No, you cannot be Frank O'Hara "minus the gay parts." I don't remember which blogger said that.

"At this time I reread Ulysses, needing to throw up my sensibility and Joyce's art into the face of my surroundings; I found that Joyce was more than a match, I was reassured that what was important to me would always be important to me; deprived of music I wrote pieces which turned out to be something like the early Bartok, and I wrote awful poetry compounded of Donne, Whitman, and Cummings, which I later destroyed. I found that I myself was my life: it had never occured to me before; now I knew that the counters with which I dealt with my life were as valid in unsympathetic surroundings as they had been in sympathetic ones; for art is never a retreat; the person who cannot face himself enough to face the world on certain given terms may find that other terms are more suitable to his psyche: this is a matter of self-knowledge, not cowardice; there is no ivory tower; there are arrangements resulting from physical, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic sensitivities which dictate a particular way of life; but no one way of life is more valid than another; I had subconsciously felt this, and now I knew it. From that monstrous womb: a second birth."

This is a canny aestheticism, that asserts itself.

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