
7 oct 2003

I.9a "Have pity, friends, have pity on me"

I'm not sure what this meter is supposed to be. Not quite skeltonics. It starts off anapestic with four beat liines and then morphs into IP. It has a rollicky, careless feel to it:

"Rhymes of lays and roundels sung and read
Ye'll brew him broth too late when he lies dead"


9b "Sometime this world was so stedfast and stable"

A poem about steadfastness: is the dogged steadiness of the meter supposed to be an iconic sign?

"Fro right to wrong, fro trouthe to fikelnesse,
Then al is lost, for lak of stedfastenesse"


I'd guess we're in the 15th century by now, since I glimpse Wyatt and Surrey coming 'round the bend.

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