
25 sept 2003

A note on "methodology": the alphabetical set up some fortuitous match-ups--much more interesting ones than I would have predicted. Over the course of 75 rounds, any unfairness due to method alone is evened out. A great poem might lose to an even greater poem, or a mediocre effort might prevail when the other editor lets his guard done.

I've found about 15 poems that are spectacularly good, others that are delightful in some way. There were several that I felt myself incapable of responding to, even when written by poets I admire.

Best of the Best:

Berrigan, Broughton, Coolidge, Gander, Johnson, Mac Low, Malmude, Manguso, Mathews, Rehm, Silliman, Warsh (Bob)

Anderson, Ashbery, Dickman, Higgins, Koch, Park, Smith, Warsh (Yusef)

Worst of the Best:

Glück, Olds (Bob)

Dennis, Hirsch, Nelson, Pinsky, Wilbur

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