
30 sept 2003

Mike Snider asks: Which is Tennyson and which is Swinburne?

That blush of fifty years ago, my dear,
Blooms in the Past, but close to me to-day
As this red rose, which on our terrace here
Glows in the blue of fifty miles away.


Asleep or waking is it? For her neck,
Kissed over close, wears yet a purple speck
Wherein the pained blood falters and goes out;
Soft, and stung softly--fairer for a fleck.

I'd say the first is Tennyson, the second Swinburne. I could be wrong of course. The second is distinctly Keatsian in its diction, evoking the ending of "Ode to a Nightingale." Embarrassingly derivative! The first has an amost Thomas-Hardy like awkwardness which is not entirely displeasing.

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