
23 may 2003


Escuchaba yo un disco - en la edad de los tocadiscos -

entró mi padre, me comentó, extrañado y despectivo, que le sonaba a piano de cóctel

En vano habría sido contestarle, avergonzado, que se trataba del gran Bill Evans

que sí tocaba en esa época algo parecido a la música de Cóctel


I was listening to a record - in the age of recordplayers -

when my father game in, surprised and dismissive, telling me it sounded like Cocktail piano

It would have been in vain to tell him it was the great Bill Evans

who was in fact playing, in that period, a form of Cocktail piano

I wrote this poem for my other blog. I liked it, I'm not sure why.

Tim: I didn't mean that YOU were too obvious, only that the word mayhem would be too obvious as a name for my blog. I'm not going to change it from "Jonathan Mayhew's blog" to something like "murder and mayhew." Some names I'm considering: "Trading Fours," "Good Bait." "Straight, No Chaser." Or I could do what Jim B does and change the name every week.

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