
16 abr 2003

What exactly is logopeia? I interpret it as including linguistic ambiguity (like Empson's 7 kinds), other kinds of word-play (puns), the evocative and intertextual use of language; the use of words in function of their register. In general, anything relating to the selection and use of words as words. Logopeia would be emphasized in "metaphysical" and "baroque" poetry of the 17th century, in Anglo-American modernism (Eliot), in New York School and Language Poetry, in Prynne, even in flarf. It strikes me that phanopeia and melopeia have much more limited interpretation. That is, there is less (potential) controversy about what they might be: the visual and auditory dimensions of poetry. Logopeia is an intellectual thang. It is the last to develop, says Pound.

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