
7 mar 2003

Unfortunately I was too prejudiced to be able to read Joshua Clover's Madonna anno domini. I tried, but there was too much interference, too much negative and positive buzz. It also has blurbs by Ashbery and Michael Palmer, by the way. Instead of checking out this book I found Yépez's "Ensayos para un desconcierto," which has just arrived. I laughed out loud while eating lunch when I came across a passage about translating Bukowski into Spanish. He says when you read him in a Spanish edition (from Spain) you find words like "carajo, cojones, and gilipollas" --expletives and obscenities which are not a part of Mexican Spanish. "Only the devil knows what the hell 'gilipollas' are," he says, "and you could die from laughter while imagining Bukowski saying Gilliopollas... The Bukowski of Anagrama [Spanish publisher] is a Bukowski-lifted-from-an-Almodóvar-movie."

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